Koetsu Urushi stylus shape

I have to re-tip my Koetsu Urushi, I am most likely to have it done by a private re-tipper, rather than to send it back to Tokyo. Does anyone here know what is the original conformation, e.g., line contact vs microridge or other? Thanks for any info.


Dear @lewm  : As almost everything from the Koetsu begin Sugano likes that all about his cartridges been a " mystery ". In the past we can't know even the output level or tracking force because Sugano dis not disclose it

I owned several Koetsu cartridges and that " mysteries " are really BS.

About the stylus shape they said " it's made it especially for Koetsu ". Who really kares but you.


The best stylus shape today and from several years is the Replicant 100 that's the same as the one by vdH and the same coming by Expert stylus.


If you want the BS stylus shape then you have no alternative but to be retipped by Koetsu.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


I have visited Juergen's pages, he has a vast history with Koetsu and has used a wide range of the Models.

The best I can find is references to a Sugano Design and additional information makes the claims the forms are closely guarded secrets.

Further searching might disclose a dimension and this can be checked out for other similar forms that closely match.

As it has been made known recently on this forum not too long ago, one Styli Form is available from three different sources under different brand names, and there are also variants to the dimensions that are acceptable to produce the form, so the Styli could offer a slight differing in the presentation if one dimension is used against another?     

Dear Raul, In accordance with your earlier suggestion, I have contacted vdH about doing the re-tip.  Thus far, despite two further inquiries, I have had no response.  Which is why I am here asking this question.  I have no doubt that the Replicant would be fine.  However, I do have curiosity about what was there to begin with. By microscope examination, it does not look like a line contact type, although because it is worn, it is hard to be sure. I think I remember reading somewhere that it is a micro-ridge or in that family. I agree with you and Pindac, Koetsu takes pains to be mysterious.