Your story reminds me of my AudioValve monos, made in Germany. They sounded wonderful when they worked, but ... poor reliability & costly repairs. Techs told me there were design issues, which I took that with a grain of salt, but several problems were due to just plain poor soldering. The amps were 11-12 yrs old and had cold solder joints here, there and everywhere. Fix one problem, another popped up somewhere else ... A moving target ...
Eventually I just cut my losses: 'got them repaired to spec, at high cost, sold them, and haven't looked back. Besides the money, the whole thing took up too much mental disc space. And there are many, many great sounding amps in the world ...
Eventually I just cut my losses: 'got them repaired to spec, at high cost, sold them, and haven't looked back. Besides the money, the whole thing took up too much mental disc space. And there are many, many great sounding amps in the world ...