Krell 200 amp, Krell KRC Preamplifier for repair

I’m in deep trouble, 6 months at local tech. He tried but failed.

My attempts to contact Krell without any success. Phone calls go nowhere, emails not responding. 
Im in NJ, anyone has any suggestions. 
For now I’m using Rotel 1570 integrated. 
Just bought amplifier PS 250BHK signature, maybe will give up K

rells all together if I like new amp. Just need to add another preamp.

Any piece of advice, recommendations appreciated very much.



What is the age of your KRELL equipment and is it worth repairing? I do not know. Will George Meyer’s inspect your KRELL equipment, repair what is currently wrong and ensure all other parts are operating ’correctly’ and are up to spec? What warranty will George Meyer provide and will it cover everything? What are the total repair costs including shipping and insurance relative to the value of your KRELL equipment? Are the parts needed to repair your equipment readily available? If not available, your KRELL equipment repair could be further delayed. I do not know.

Based on my experience, once something is repaired, something else usually breaks afterward. I cannot recommend you get your KRELL equipment repaired or not. I suggest you investigate further before you proceed with scheduling these repairs.

If you decide not to get your KRELL repaired, what would you purchase, how would it sound and how much would it cost? In addition, based on various posts, the status of KRELL INDUSTRIES is to be determined.

Hey Hg. I’m very thankful for your input. 
I have the same way of thinking about this whole repair business.

i already took some steps. Don’t want to be on corporate mercy.
It’s just not worth it to let them jeopardize my beloved hobby.

I bought PS Audio amp BHK 250 signature. Instead of just preamp I bought Auralic Altair G2.1 streamer with preamp. I want to experience something new.

My Krells will wait until company will put their acts together.

Krell put themselves and us customers in such a dire situation. 
than maybe just maybe I’ll have it repaired.

you are absolutely right , my KRC is about 25 years old. my Krell  amp 300 FPB is even older. Repeirs may cost thousands of dollars. 
I’m curious if my new electronics will make my Wilson’s sing better. Putting the system back together coming weekend.

If you look inside your Krell amp and PS audio BHK amp, you will see which one is built better. That has to have some kind of value. In order to get that kind of build quality you would have to spend a lot more money than the repair costs, or even the cost of the Krell when it was purchased new.

I was happy with Krells , very happy for many years. Few years ago amplifier started to overheat. Sent it back to factory in CT they fixed a problem. In May of last year I contacted Krell about my KRC losing on channel in phono and poor quality of sound. I was advised that since preamp is old there is no guarantee it will come back to its original condition.?🙄 I agree that thing is built very well.

when I got the return ID and got ready to shipping the unit company went silent ✝️ meanwhile my 300 FPB was due for refurbishment and was overheating again, my plan was to deliver personally both electronics to CT.

we all know what happened inside Company, after passing of the Owner. Countless attempts to contact them were unsuccessful. I gave amp to some tech guru supposedly with good Krell experience. He butchered the damn thing apart. 
Now after 3 months in his shop, he says he can’t find the problem!!!!  
my mistake, shouldn’t trust the guy. He says …. You know it’s built really well but very complicated……🤣🙄😓😡

I will eventually have this fixed or sell for parts.

one thing is for sure, I WONT TOUCH ANOTHER KRELL 😡