What is the age of your KRELL equipment and is it worth repairing? I do not know. Will George Meyer’s inspect your KRELL equipment, repair what is currently wrong and ensure all other parts are operating ’correctly’ and are up to spec? What warranty will George Meyer provide and will it cover everything? What are the total repair costs including shipping and insurance relative to the value of your KRELL equipment? Are the parts needed to repair your equipment readily available? If not available, your KRELL equipment repair could be further delayed. I do not know.
Based on my experience, once something is repaired, something else usually breaks afterward. I cannot recommend you get your KRELL equipment repaired or not. I suggest you investigate further before you proceed with scheduling these repairs.
If you decide not to get your KRELL repaired, what would you purchase, how would it sound and how much would it cost? In addition, based on various posts, the status of KRELL INDUSTRIES is to be determined.