Krell 400xi ? Arcam FMJ 32? Musical Fidelity A5?

I am trying to decide between these three integrated amps. All are in the same price range ($2,500), the Arcam has less power however. The amp will likely be paired with the Arcam FMJ CD33.

I would very much appreciate feedback on what you would purchase!! Or, if you believe there is an even better alternative for new equipment. Thanks!
I have the MF A5 paired with the MF A5 cd player with a pair of the Krell Resolution 3 speakers. It's in a spare room and doesn't see much action. If you decide on the Musical Fidelity and you're interested in purchasing a used one, shoot me an email. I purchased them earlier this year and they have seen very little use. David
Hello. I've auditioned the Krell, but not with my speakers, and a friend owns a recent Musical Fidelity integrated - the latter, for mine, is more musical. Having said that, I purchased a Jadis Orchestra Reference, swapping this for some 90's Audio Reseach separates which would have cost close to $8K new in the USA - and the Jadis is a definite improvement. There really is no bad feedback about this amp...and with it new in the house today I can now see why. Rob.
I can recommend the Musical Fidelity amp.. I have one and it sounds so lovely with my B&W speakers.
I've never heard MF or Krell but did have an A90 once and although it is somewhat musical, I find the A90 a bit cold and compress compare to a good tube amp. The bass is slightly lean without good body.