I endorse Trelja's sentiments. Audiogon is generally a wonderful forum where we can share and argue our viewpoints (often, with great energy) in a non-demeaning way. KRELLNOT's comments are most objectionable as they personally insult other well-meaning users of this site. To boot, KRELLNOT further tries to comfort us by alledging that he was merely trying to inject some fun. Who on earth does he think he is by having "fun" at other peoples' expense. Does he honestly think we are too simple to recognise his hypocrisy? I'm all for criticising equipment (no matter how forcefully), provided the argument has substance and cogency. Making wholesale snipes at other members should, under no circumstances, be tolerated. I trust that Audiogon will take the action it feels is adequate to rebuke this sort of behavior. Moreover, I further object to slogans such as "KRELLNOT". This would imply that this individual is using this site as a vehicle for his own negative propaganda.
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