Krell Evolution or Pass XA.5 series

Anyone compare the Krell Evolution to the Pass XA series (all prices being equal) on medium efficiency speakers (89-93db). Curious if you did compare them what was the circumstances and system. I did read in one magazine the XA has a warmer midbass, while the Krell Evolution has better bass. I just want a little more information than that.

Showing 1 response by mert

Well, Since I had Pass labs x.250.5 and experience with xa series,plus, I have been living with Krell EVO 402 for more than 2 years. I think I have the right to tell a word:
I don't like statements such as A is better than B.
I can't say Krell is better than Pass. Simply because both are different. I can not compare. The important thing is what kind of presentation that you are looking for? What type of speakers you have? 4 ohm or less? or you have tube preamp and you need a descent solid state power in order to recompensate some tube related undesired outcomes, or you think that your cables have a house sound of lean or weak bass, than, answer is Krell for cure. If not Pass will be just fine.