Can this be done:
connect OPPO to KRC3 and HTS7.1 and then to krell KAV500?
I would not do this at all. You are running the audio signal through two preamps, first a very low resolution KRC3 and then a nice but soft HTS 7.1. Trying to merge both a 2-channel system and an HT system together with both 2-channel and multi-channel preamps is not a good approach. Like I said, you really can't have both worlds unless you spend a lot of money. If you're looking at the really old Krell stuff, I would just get an HTS 7.1 and use it as a 7.1 preamp with the Oppo. The preamp quality of the HTS 7.1 is much better than the KRC 3. I know you like the asthetics, but this will not actually improve the sound quality if you have both of this in the signal line.