@mm1tt77 In the last 2 years, I sold my CODA CSiB, CODA #8, Parasound A21+, KRELL K-300i integrated and kept my KRELL Dou 175XD. So similar path as you
I liked the KRELL Dou 175XD over all of the above, by a lot actually. Though I like my Benchmark AHB2 the most. These 2 are not similar at all.
Gryphon has a blurb on their web site saying that you need a massive chassis and heat to get REAL Class A. I think that is directed at KRELL. I laughed at that.
KEEP YOUR KRELL and save the cash over Gryphon.
BTW - even though I use my CODA 07x preamp with the KRELL Duo 175XD, and it is really good. I like my Benchmark LA4 preamp ($2500) + KRELL 175XD even more. The clarity and silence of the LA4 just works for me.
I get a new headphone amp this weekend, a RAAL vm-1a, and that amp will determine if I keep the CODA or Benchmark preamp with the KRELL Dou 175XD.