Krell Illusions ii / Krell duo 300xd to a Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated an upgrade?

Hi - I’ve got a Krell Preamp (Illusions ii) paired with a Krell duo 300xd amp, stream with a Auralic Aries G1 Streamer / MHDT Pagoda balanced DAC with WE 396 tube upgrade.  Speakers are Alta Audio Alec’s.  If I swapped out the Krell stack and Pagoda for the Gryphon Diablo 300 w/DAC would that be an overall upgrade?

I’ve been really impressed with the Krell duo 300xd amp, compared it to Coda CSiB       , Primaluna Evo 400, Parasound A21, Krell 300i Integrated.  To my ears outperformed them all.  The Gryphon Diablo 300 seems to get showered with praise, exhaulted as one of the best, when compared to many separate stacks and “the best integrated”.

Curious to hear opinions, thoughts. 



Thanks for the feedback Audio Intellect, appreciate it.

Would I need to upgrade my DAC as well?  The streamer you are recommending seems to be out of the DAC I have currently’s weight class.



Not out of the dacs class the better the server the better the sound  our servers start at 3500 we have a customer with the same dac he loves the sound

@mm1tt77 In the last 2 years, I sold my CODA CSiB, CODA #8, Parasound A21+, KRELL K-300i integrated and kept my KRELL Dou 175XD. So similar path as you

I liked the KRELL Dou 175XD over all of the above, by a lot actually. Though I like my Benchmark AHB2 the most. These 2 are not similar at all.

Gryphon has a blurb on their web site saying that you need a massive chassis and heat to get REAL Class A. I think that is directed at KRELL. I laughed at that.

KEEP YOUR KRELL and save the cash over Gryphon.

BTW - even though I use my CODA 07x preamp with the KRELL Duo 175XD, and it is really good. I like my Benchmark LA4 preamp ($2500) + KRELL 175XD even more. The clarity and silence of the LA4 just works for me.

I get a new headphone amp this weekend, a RAAL vm-1a, and that amp will determine if I keep the CODA or Benchmark preamp with the KRELL Dou 175XD.



Thanks yyzsantabarbara - eery how similar our paths have been, similarities on what we’ve run for gear.

I love the Krell Amp - didn’t get a chance to compare the 300xd using the Krell Pre vs the CSiB as a pre with it.  My memory of the CSiB being used as a pre was I preferred it to the Krell but without being able to do a direct comparison, hard to tell if that would really be the case.  Called Coda and asked about the differences I would hear, jumping to the 07x - they said minimal if I was using the XLR inputs, that said, the 300xd sounds to my ears better using the XLR inputs - seems to be designed that way, had to use the rca output / inputs when I was using the CSiB as a pre.  

Have you tried any other Pre’s with the 175xd?  I’m toying with trying a tube pre but tougher to find balanced tube pre’s - some have them but not as common on tube gear. 


Audiotroy - thanks for the comments and recommendations - I’m in the North East, I’ll give you a call to talk through some options on a streamer / server.  
