Krell KAV-400xi vs. Parasound A21+P3

Hi all,

Which one is better between Krell KAV-400xi and Parasound A21+P3?

I have a pair of NHT classic three with Kimber 8TC.

I am open for other amp that is less than $1,400.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you
I would try running it through GOOD balanced cables.
I also had a power cord made for mine.
Could not believe the improvement in overall sound quality!

In my system BASS is not an issue.
The detail, clarity and bass are much better in my system
with balanced. (KRELL, ESOTERIC and SALK)
I've heard both setups: I used to own the parasound stack with some mission speakers, and I auditioned the krell with proacs next to the plinius 9200 the art sam2, and pathos logos. The lrell was actually quite impressive, and was def punchy in the bass, but the proacs are punchy speakers. I actually went into the listening session with anti-krell prejudice but came out liking it nearly as much as the pathos. The parasound is nice gear too, but I preferred the krell, much to my own surprise. FWIW
May I ask you : Why would you connect superior equipment like Krell to NHT Three speakers? NHT Three model has been regularly retailed at 400.00 new (799 MSRP) and I am not sure they worth even that little, now connecting them to $5000 worth of electronics will accomplish what exactly?
From my expirience, and I own 400xi among other gear (Primare stack, ARC Reference stack), the bass is def one of the Krell's strong points. It actually outperforms my $20k ARC pre/pwr combo in that department !

I def would try it with different speakers first.
To Dkzzzz

NHT Three is about $650 pair new. I just like the sound of NHT and even plan to buy the 2.9s or 3.3s in the future.

About Krell, I need an amp with at least 200wpc in order to drive my NHTs. Besides NAD, either good preamp+amp combo or integrated amp would cost about $1,400 used. I bought Krell SACD because the seller who sold KAV 400Xi to me was a very kind person, and the price was reasonable. I think only SACD made the setup superior. I'm actually not stick to any brand. If Rotel, Classe or other is fit in my $1,400 budget and works best with my speakers, I will buy it.

Please give me some more comments on what is the best combo for $1,500.

Thank you.