Krell or Anthem ???

Matter of fact, I really like my present amplify 180wpc Anthem A5. It's very liable, I use it mainly for both HT and 2-ch with no problem what so ever. But the bug is scratching my butt. Since I love 2-ch so much, I want more power for the TWO front speakers. An audio buddy of mine (very experienced gent) highly suggested NOT getting the top line 325wpc Anthem P5. “Go for a USED Krell”, he said.

I have collected and read many articles but I need inputs from the "real world" people, ones that already have had/used Krells. This thread is very specific but still, my apology is out if it's double posted.

1/ Please point out ALL differences between these two old Krell KAV-2250 and KSA-250? I'd like to know evthing about them, literally. (thanks, I already have specs from

2/ Can both of these Krells out-perform my 180wpc Anthem A5 in dynamic and sound quality?

3/ Can they also top out the flagship Anthem 325wpc model P5?
Fact: In paper, the P5 has much "beautiful" chart and numbers than the Krell's.

4/ Is it true that the 2-ch Krell KAV-2250 will have more effort/juice to push than its sister 3-ch KAV-3250 even both have same power output?

PM is welcome,

Greatly appreciated.
Hi Dave,

I am just curious about the New Krell S300i....stomps the 400xi in what way if you could specify, appreciate it since the new unit has a smaller Toroid and less capacitors compared to the older 400xi. I did like the 400xi when I had it long ago, sparkling amplifier in many ways. I know it uses the new Evo technology but is it totaly different? since I know its a whole new from Ground up design from Krell.

>>Stomps the 400xi and blows away most of the competition under 10K<<

**Stomps the 400xi**
Big deal.

**Most of the competition under 10K**
That is part hyperbole with the balance being BS.

There are some incredible integrateds under $10K and to mention the 300xi and 400xi in the same breath as that competition is just plain silly.
Hi Dave, once again....
If you do get a chance to respond to my prior question with regards to the difference between the new S300i and the 400xi, we would truly value your opinion.

As much as I like Krell's power amplifiers, I've been underwhelmed by their intergrateds.
I heard the Krell integrated ( ~$2500 300i I think) with CAmbridge 840 source on Focal Profile speaks a few months back at a local Tweeter (RIP) and liked what I heard.

Hasn't always been the case with the Krell stuff. When I've heard Krell pieces that did not sound good, I suspect it could have been more do to mismatch with other components in the loop and lackluster setup or perhaps components not operating up to spec, but can't say for sure.

The book's still out on Krell for me but I have not felt compelled to spend much time worrying about in that there are many other nice fish in the sea as well.