Krell Resolution 2's VS Polk Audio LSi15

Interested if anybody has compared the two? I Know both use the same tweeter, outside of that I'd only assume the Krell has a much better crossover network and bass drivers. I love the sound of the LSi's I was wondering if the extra $$$$ was worth the jump up to the Krell.
From what I heard over on the Polk Audio Forum they will be replacing the Lsi series in 2007 or 2008.
After Lush's response, I'm going to take another careful listen to the Krell Resolution 2 next week. The B&W 802D sets the bar awefully high, when I was shopping for a set of Speakers last summer, the B&W/Krell Dealers (4-that carry both lines) that I spoke to, were evenly split between the 803s and the Res. 2, basically stating that it was a matter of personal preference and too close to call. All gave the 803D the edge with the 802D being in another category. When shopping for Speakers at this level ($5K+) price starts becoming much less of a factor than sound, especially with American Speakers (Wilson, Krell, Revel) which are very expenses when compared to their Canadian and European competitors.
Lush, more in the price range of the Polk's, how about a used pair of Von Schweikert Vr jr's, they have been running about $2,700 used. I heard them recently and liked them better than anything else I heard including Wilson Sophia and the Krell Res 2.
Jms_123 I was just going on what I've heard. I've only heard the Res 2's at CES and briefly, I've never heard the new B&W D series. I do find the vifa ring tweeter intoxicating.

Gammajo - I've heard the VS's are very room dependant and need tons of room to breathe. My approach to speakers will most likely be 1 of 4 options. Dynaudio 1.8 mkII's or the focus series, Polk Audio LSi15's (I'm a fan of the LSi9's but require a much larger scale, tone and depth for my musical tastes) Gallo Nucleus Ref 3's or The Krell's. I've been so happy with my intergrated and such a big fan of the vifa presentation I think I'd consider taking the big plunge even it it meant powering them with an intergrated.

The Gallo's keep climbing higher and higher on my list though. I'm having problems locating many of these speakers. In Canada were both blessed and cursed. Everybody up here was brought up thinking the NRC work with sound was god's work and that all Canadian speakers are the cat's ass. Even Krell dealers rarely bring the speaker lines in because the typical consumer would rather spend the cash on a pair of "good ole' Canadian speakers" be it Reference 3a, Mirage, Energy or Totem. I'm cursed because most of what I enjoy comes from the states, and I could care less where it's made as long as it sounds good.
Not to argue and perhaps my ears are not the best but the Jr's sounded great in two locations that I listened. One was about 10 feet wide by 15 long sheet rocked and the other 9 by 12 by my guess with glass behind them. In both rooms they were placed out about 3-5 feet from the front wall which was the narrow wall. My guess is that they would sound even better with more room until you got to over 6K cubic feet, then they may have trouble filling the space but I have bever heard them in that configuration. My room is 9K cubic feet so I just ordered the bigger brothers the VR4SR - Happy hunting!