Krell Resolution 2 - suitable upgrade??

I have budgeted about 15K for a suitable replacement. To then end I am searching for suggestions, especially from those who have heard the Krells. I have auditioned Sonus Faber Cremona M's. Very nice sound, very musical however not enough of a difference to replace the Krell's. Music I use to audition is: Michael Hedges any track , TELARC Aaron Copeland Fanfare for the Common Man, Sheffield Lab Pressure Cooker, and Dianne Reeves.
Thanks!! - HP
Hugh, unless you are talking 15k used, keep the 2s. You will just be moving sideways. Sorry, but you will need to almost double the budget.
Hello Zieman - Yes 15K would have to be "pre-owned" as I would like to refer to it :) A very nice gentleman who owns a high end store in my city basically said the same thing. He suggested this afternoon after auditioning that my taste for sound stage, resolution plus clarity/slam at high playback levels - the only choice he could think of are Wilson Watt puppy 7's. The auditions I have done confirm (so far) that I made a good choice to begin with.
I had the Krell Resolution 1 and upgraded to WP7s. The Wilsons have a lot tighter, faster bass and clearer tone. I used Spectron MIIISe and VTL TL7.5 pre.