Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
I was wondering if the people with positive responses list if the equipment is under warrantee or what.
The more i think about a 1 month turnaround time for a plug-in slowstart board really eats me up. Patrick is the service manager a smooth talker.
Hiend2, time is really a small price you have to pay and your unit will come back better than new. Krell service is top notch. Does it really matter how long it takes to get the unit back. My only concern would be that it is fixed right the first time. No need to stress. I'm happy that I can afford Krell.
Hiend2, I understand your feeling but yours is nothing to compare with mine. Here it is, let "me" cry my heart out: Bought SP16l & 4bsst brand new in the box. Less than a week, there are POP, tacks,Buzz...I went thru hell with local dealer and Bryston and after a lot of unfriendly exchange, Bryston send me a brand new replacement. ARC send the Sp16l back with NPF since the DC leakage is within their spec. I ended up have to trade the SP16l for a brand new pair of speakers of lesser value at local dealer. While most of ARC, Bryston fans highly praised their customer service but I simply have to disagree. So, be happy that the only expense from your part is "time" not the hard earn money.
Had an FPB 200c upgraded to 300 cx and it was done right and in time frame promised. Have had the amp for 5 years and never a day of trouble. Krells are built the way Mercedes used to build cars.
