KT 150 Amp Options

It is tax return season, which usually means I immediately spend it all on a piece of equipment. I've been looking to upgrade to an amp that has been designed for the KT 150. They have been around for about 2 years now but I don't see a lot of amps designed for them. ARC came out with the REF 75 SE, which seems like a nice amp. However, I run an ARC SP3-C for my pre, which is an SE out. My understanding is the 75 is balanced which does not make them ideally compatible. I've been waiting for CJ to put out a KT 150, but am not sure if that is even on their radar. Any thoughts on a good KT 150 amp or any rumors on when the market will have some more options?
I've own a Quicksilver full function preamp for 20 years(now used in a second apartment system). It clearly outperformed my then Audio Research SP9 MK II and later a friend's Reference 2 line stage(5x the cost). It still sounds very good and is utterly reliable over all this time. This company tends to fly under the radar despite their consistently high quality componrnts for very reasonable money.

Word of mouth from people I respect say the QS V4 is an excellent amplifier. I'm inclined to believe the current V4 with improved transformers is quite an amplifier.
Thanks, CharlesÂ… I'm considering the KT150 Silver 88 Monos as I don't really need the extra power of the V4, and the simpler circuit (two output tubes per channel vs. four) would seem to potentially allow for a more "direct" sound. Have you (or anyone else reading this) heard the KT150 Silver 88's, or know what the word on the street is regarding these?? Also, does anyone have any first hand experience with the Jadis i50, another KT150 design?
I haven't heard these two QS amps in any form of direct comparison so I can't offer an opinion in that regard. Based on principle and personal listening I agree with your premise. If power is sufficient I'll choose the amp with the simpler circuit and fewer output devices. Others will say the more power the better(so choose the V4) but I don't believe that's true. Naturally you'll get varying opinions on this topic(simpler vs power).
Weebeesdad, I HAVE heard the Silver 88s with the Kt150 tubes and the V4s. I too am considering auditioning them in home in my system but am not going ahead with this unless/until I'm committed to buy if it is a no brainer choice. The reason being is that I really like what I have BUT there are things in the presentation of the Quicksilver with that tube that have really grabbed my attention, a body and harmonic resolution and texture, that I'm not getting with my amp as MUCH as I like the other aspects, tradeoffs. I am planning a visit to the dealer's within the next week or two and am bringing my speakers to see if they might be what I expect before proceeding with a further in home audition. While I've always liked Quicksilver over the years they have never been on my radar as they are with this tube. Did my taste change or is the amp with THAT tube that is making me consider them? I don't know for sure but all I can say is that both the V4 and 88s are impressive.
Thanks for your reply, Tubegroover. Please do give us your impressions after your upcoming audition with your speakers (even though I know you don't normally do impressionsÂ…).