You're right, the Fascination is not an overly bright cable but it will give me some upper frequency sizzle & snap if the CD or vinyl source dictates it. I'm willing to live with some brightness (not overly) as long as the tradeoff is appreciable refinement.
Also, I switch off with another speaker cable, the Stradivarius from Voodoo Cable. It has a Silver/Copper alloy and is clearly brighter & provides more detail than the Fascination but I like it in it's own way. The Voodoo is clearer & cleaner but the Fascination is richer & more dense with acoustic guitar vs. the Voodoo. Also, both throw wide soundstages. Right now I am waiting to borrow a pair of Voodoo Cable Stradivarius Cremona speaker cable. The Cremona is an upgrade of the original Stradivarius. Refinement is what I'm looking for with the upgraded Voodoo but at the expense of little bit of brightness. The tweeter on the Focus 260 does have some energy but I rarely am fatigued with the sound of it unless I turn the volume up too high. I borrow cables from the Cable Company here in Pennsylvania. They have a wide variety and I have borrowed a lot throughout the years. There is a fee but that amount can be used towards the purchase of cables. Unfortunately, they don't carry Kubala-Sosna cables.
Thank You!