lack of interest

I have placed about 15 components on the Gon over the past 3 years or so.Everything sold in a matter of days except for 2 components. The one is a pair of Eminent Technology LFT-8As. It was for local buyer only but living inbetween Milwaukee and Chicago I thought there would be someone that would love to buy these beauties. I placed the add 3 times. They might be sold now but the reason I am starting this thread is I am curious how many have had the same surprise. I had the oppisite surprise where I have gotten Emails just minutes apart for over an hour.
I think "local buyer only" really limits the number of possible A'gon buyers.

Rather than listing it that way, explore the costs of packaging and shipping to the East and West Coasts, and list it with the buyer and/or seller paying shipping. Have those estimates in hand when responding to offers.

Just my .02.

I put an add on Canuck Audiomart for unterminated Crosslink Interconnect and DH Labs Power Plus. Already cut up in various lengths for projects I never finished. I had buyers crawling over each other to get them. I now have an add for a mint set of Cardas Quadlink 5c at a good price, and nothing.

I guess you never know.
I agree with other feedback.Its probably the local thing not having enough interested in the area..I actually have thought about selling my Very loved Kharma 1.0 loudspeakers but do to not wanting to ship them I have the same issues....Good luck
I've had a similar experience lately. I have two pairs of speakers up for three weeks now, that are both fantastic and coveted speakers in their own right. Both at fair prices. My past experience has dictated that nothing I've sold has taken more than a couple of weeks to sell, with many selling within a few days and some in a few minutes. Speakers always seem to take a bit more patience, but three weeks is unexpected. I've had nothing more than tire-kickers and one (non-member) buyer who backed out after committing to buy. I think the market is a bit off these days myself. A good friend of mine had a similar experience with a preamp just recently - It took a month to sell, in spite of being a coveted component at a good price.

I'd have to agree that the market isn't hot right now. I'm guessing tax time has people taking a bigger hit plus the cost of gas has people thinking they can't afford spending on audio.