How in the world did you find this site? I read every word (up to the reviews) so can't fault it for being boring. But,does he get a commission for every hit on the sites he mentions? Great reading! Very nice, though biased (aren't we all?), review of the basics. Thanks for pointing it out.
Very Interesting Audio Website
Hi gang-
Here's a chance to have some fun. Visit the "Stereos Of The Rich And Famous" website at:
He's not selling anything, just looking for input about the pros & cons of Hi-fi. You can post a comment if you want, but just reading what others have posted will give you an idea of the varied opinions about our chosen hobby.
Happy reading!
Here's a chance to have some fun. Visit the "Stereos Of The Rich And Famous" website at:
He's not selling anything, just looking for input about the pros & cons of Hi-fi. You can post a comment if you want, but just reading what others have posted will give you an idea of the varied opinions about our chosen hobby.
Happy reading!
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