Ladies analogy lover?

correct me if I m wrong. I subscribed to a few audio magazines and I noticed that most of the manufacturer owners and audio designers are men (except the lady fr Manley). I can't seems to get my wife to be interested in audio equipments or music. Are there many ladies audiogoners? Wld like to hear how u got involve in audio? Thx

Showing 1 response by nickatkins

My wife was a music major at college and she definitely loves the music more than the equipment as one would expect. However, she really enjoys the incremental improvements I've been making over the years although she doesn't always notice the difference between this cable or that even as I swear I do. Often she tells me "it sounds really good right now" which is one of the best compliments an audiophile can be paid.

It's true, almost all of my male friends are gadget freaks to some degree (not often audio gear like me though but phones, computers and "devices") but very few of my female friends care for a gadget much. I think men are more likely to be engineers and more likely to be into gadgets and gear for the same reason: I read once that we are slightly more autistic that women, so that might have something to do with it.

Everyone in the audiophile press and on websites like this is always saying "forget the gear, just enjoy the music" but I laugh when I read that. I can enjoy music on my AM car radio but i enjoy it *more* on my expensive home system.