Shoe, yes it is, I am very happy with it and it sounds like you have a really nice system. Spendor, Harbeth would be something you might want to look into. Plus with the Sub you have you needn't worry about the bass response. With the Spendor you may... not 100% sure.... sacrafice some detail with your current SF GP's. I have minimal experience with Harbeth, but they sounded awesome when I heard them at a dealer in Sarasota Fl. I am sure you will see my S6e's on sale within the next couple of months. Nice speaker, but I would like a change a bit in the other direction.
Where are you located at? |
With respect to a speakers, the Spendors would meet the laid back criteria. |
With the possible exception of the B&W line and maybe Epos, check out any speaker made in the UK. As one member posted - Harbeth and ProAc, you could add Stirling and especially Spendor which I mentioned ealier.
In speaking with many Dealers by phone over the years it seems that the British products(not all and I am not painting them into this corner)have a rep for having a more laid back sound then products made here in America or its other European counterparts. Fire up a JM Lab next to a Spendor and you will get an idea. I own an Arcam CD36 as a front end and Spendor S6e speaker. My system is very much on the laid back warm side. For me, I am looking for a bit more of a neutral open presentation at this point though.
Good luck. |
"incidentally, the connotation of "laid back" is usually, recessed treble response, or artificial depth."
I totally agree with that statement.
"Laid back"... to me, I always took as a reflection of a personality. Not calling attention to oneself, in the background, polite not exciteable.
Take a Spendor for instance, to me that is a nice example. Audition one, and the first thing that comes to mind is a recessed treble and a music presentation that is behind the plane of the speakers. |
Hey Atmasphere, I agree with the phrase you wrote.
"""Hmmmm, I equate 'laid back' with 'relaxed', 'easy', 'non-fatiguing'..."""
I would agree as well that it has nothing to do with speed. Though Dynamics...yes. IMO.
For me, I was just using the actual general definition of the term "laid back" as it pertains to speaker presentation. It does not draw attention too itself, the speaker does not highlight(is that the term, with respect to color?) anything. The presentation is recessed, where yes, you always feel you can turn the volume up.
I think we are in agreement over the term, we are just using different examples of words.... I think :0)
I think some Transistor Amps can be defined as "laid back" Ayre comes to mind that I have heard. |
Hello Ngjockey -
So, I have always used that term as non agressive, not highlighting any frequency band, and yes, at times a presentation that was behind the plane of the speakers. In essence similiar to the meaning I always took for "laid back" in any description... within reason. Not neccessarily always in a physical sense but also by personality.
Dipoles - Nola comes to mind... I have heard the Viper 1 and 2, so yep... I see your point. I guess I keep thinking of my Spendors, they are definitely "laid back, polite, non aggressive, a bit thick in the middle".
By the way on a side note do you have any experience with the Nola Viper 1a? |
Hmmm... you make some very valid points Mrtennis.
So, I always here reviewers say this component had a front row character, or a mid hall, or a back of the arena.
So is the sound colored if the designer of a speaker prefers a mid hall presentation? Or is it colored if another designer prefers the front of the arena?
I may be off base here :o) But I think with respect to a speaker showing a laid back characteristic, that designer may prefer being in the back of the hall and his/her presentation is going to mimic that. As opposed to the other designer who prefers the front row center. Which is colored? They both heard the same show?
If the laid back speaker still has the lead vocals in the forefront of the band, but it is presented only at the plane of the speaker it is still true to the recording(to him). While the first row guy has the lead vocal in front of the plane and in your face.
Just another viewpoint. |
I agree with just about all of your comments.
However, I believe I have a different viewpoint on "colored".
To me it refers to the tonal balance. Meaning a certain frequency range is highlighted, therefore it is "colored". Uncolored = (neutral) tonality Now I am sure as hell open to be corrected on my understanding of "colored" :o) I am sure some other members of the forum will add their thoughts. But that was how I took the term. |
Hey Mrtennis - can the concept be applied to the subject of the thread. a laid back perspective has a non neutral tonal balance?
It could be. I guess it could be argued as well if we are talking about where the actual presentation is, then we are getting into the label of Soundstaging. How the speaker presents the images of the instruments, including image width, image depth, image size, and image height. That seems to match the front,mid, and back of the hall as well.
I guess I prefer more of a mid hall to laid back as well. :o) |
Hi Atmashpere, your description of "Laid back"(in your previous posts:o) ) is much more in tune with what I am trying to describe, be it the only difference is that I also related it to a presentation behind the plane of the speakers.
For the most part I do not agree with Mrtennis viewpoint on colored = laid back.
To me, the term "colored" is associated with the speakers tonal balance -- how evenly the speakers reproduce the audible frequencies. Uncolored = neutral tonality.
"Soundstage -- How the speaker presents the images of the instruments, image width, depth, size, and height." Now is this the term that "laid back" could be classified in, if we were to classify a component/speaker that had a presentation behind the speaker plane?
If it is not agreed, then....OK, I am open for a change of thought :o) |