Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc

I've heard this term so many times, usually describing a speaker but I can't seem to understand what it actually means. I've heard so many equipment in this hobby the last 8 years but I have never heard something that I could describe as "Laid Back".
I would be very interested to know your definition of this term...
Shoe - Harbeths and ProAcs. But it's not just speakers. Everything matters. Tubes often help, but it depends on the designer. Cable (Cardas Cross)...but I think I may have already been through my own list above.
Great answers everybody!!

I would suggest Verity speakers, purist audio cables, cardas cables, most tubes, spendor speakers, sonus faber maybe, Lamms, generally anything that makes you relax as real music does.
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With the possible exception of the B&W line and maybe Epos, check out any speaker made in the UK. As one member posted - Harbeth and ProAc, you could add Stirling and especially Spendor which I mentioned ealier.

In speaking with many Dealers by phone over the years it seems that the British products(not all and I am not painting them into this corner)have a rep for having a more laid back sound then products made here in America or its other European counterparts. Fire up a JM Lab next to a Spendor and you will get an idea.
I own an Arcam CD36 as a front end and Spendor S6e speaker. My system is very much on the laid back warm side. For me, I am looking for a bit more of a neutral open presentation at this point though.

Good luck.