laid back stereo power amp

Looking for a laid back "forgiving" stereo power amp to drive Maggie 1.7i s through a Van Alstine Transcendence 10 tube preamp. thanks.
I've owned four different Odyssey amp models over the last 20+ years and wonder if he has actually ever heard one.  Audio Research are anything but warm and fuzzy tube amps and the Odyssey amps would even be smoother than many of them. 
A little known secret is Maggies require far less power when they're high-passed with an active 4th-order filter. This allows you to use almost any amp you desire over 40 WPC or so. An Active high-pass like the Marchand XM66 is much easier on the wallet than a $6000 Magtech. 

AVA gear is a great value though and I suspect you'll be very happy with the SET400. Frank is also a class act all the way.
i do not agree with auxinput’s characterization of odyssey amps being bright

I did not say Odyssey amps were bright at all.  Odyssey amps are very neutral, but very fast and high resolution.  The OP was specifically asking for "laid back" amps and while Odyssey amps may sound very good in this situation, they would not be laid back.

It was the Emotiva amps I was describing as "bright".

fair enough... i misread what you wrote... you associated brightness with the other amp brand you mentioned in the same paragraph

all good
Definitely in agreement with the AVA gear symmetry. With the $2000 price target, seems to be the logical move.