

Responses from wturkey

Why did this just happen ?
Perhaps a faster processor speed and or less jitter? My $.02.   
Keep light equipment from tipping up from cable weight?
A chunk of whatever is lying about wrapped in electrical tape. The tape prevents unwanted scuffing of the equipment. There are a variety of colors of electrical tape available for those with O.C.D.  
You're not a true audiophile unless...
Those 36 volt cables are thrown out to make way for the 72 volt cables.   
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
Having quite a few used cartridge purchases under my belt, I will chime in. I’ve only had one issue buying a used cartridge. It was an Ortofon Bronze that had a bad channel. Can’t remember if it was left or right. One side ohmed out properly. The ... 
Preamp or DAC
Regarding the Coda 07X, I recently replaced mine with an Audible Illusions L3A. Purchased it on a whim never planning on it overtaking the Coda. Alas, it did. The Coda has way more remote control features plus gain matching the inputs is super gre... 
Preamp or DAC
@audphile1 is correct about the impedance matching. However the input impedance, single ended, into the Coda 16 is 50K OHMS. Balanced input, the impedance is 10K OHMS. If a single ended preamp is chosen, the 50K input should be just dandy for th... 
Need Advice Asap - Terrible experience with a seller on Reverb (Iso Acoustics Gaia ii)
Contact Reverb immediately.    Follow their instructions to the letter.    In my experience they are solid on buyer protection. If they fail, PayPal is the next line of defense. If they fail, your credit card company will have your back.    Us... 
Would like to try a tube preamp after years of solid state and hybrid
If pursuing an Audible Illusions product, the L series has a remote for volume and mute. The M series has no remote control.    Currently I’m using the L3A in my main system. Love it.    Had the M3A many moons ago and always missed it once it wa... 
Do your ears deceive you?
“Do your ears deceive you?” Yup   Thats why I rely on my lying eyes….  
Ebay selling my missing amplifier
@thecarpathian   Right you are. I stand corrected.    Thank you for stepping in and sorting this thread out.    “Tammy” could really learn a thing or two from this fella on how to moderate a thread.   
Ebay selling my missing amplifier
Sending a Dartzeel nhb 108 in for upgrades after 8 months of ownership?    A Hafler being sent in to Musical Concepts for upgrades is a plausible story.    However, a Dartzeel…..   C’mon man….  
Ebay selling my missing amplifier
Perhaps someone high jacked your photos and the listing is a scam?  
Discount on Internet order
@audioman58   The Beatles Taxman song comes to mind…..  
1990 Radio Shack catalog
@tony1954    Oh my.    Lol.   
Repair of Butler Audio Amp
Van Alstine may repair it. The Parts Connexion in Canada is another option.