Lamm, Cary and Parsifal Encore - what combo?

i'm wondering what it'll take knock out my cary slp-98 f1.

current rig:

verity audio parsifal encore
legend audio triode monos
cary slp 98 f1
vse level 5+ sony dvp 9000
purist audio cables

would a lamm ll2 deluxe beat out the cary? what about an emotive sira? if not one of these, how much higher do i need to go you think before i hear a substantial improvement? i had a vac renaissance for a while and that was the best pre i've heard hands down, but too much $$. i've also had the modwright, which i liked, but it was a bit on the cold side for me.

the cary is nice, but i have a feeling i'm sacrificing some transparency and hearing an ripe upper/mid bass ripeness that is nice, but i'd like something a little more open, dynamic, transparent that still doesn't sound sterile/cold.
The Parsifal Encore's are very nice speakers, I know I own them too. They can be a bit warm though, which unto itself is not a problem. However, the Cary SLP-98 is also very warm and sweet, so I do think that you have too much of a good thing.

If you want to try a nice tube preamp that will be more transparent than the Cary, try a Hovland HP-100. Should put you in about the same ballpark price wise too.

You may also consider more neutral cables,as the PAD's can also be on the warm side. Warm preamp + warm speakers + warm cables = know.

Good luck,

I really liked my time with the SLP98 and although it is a bit warm, its transparency is quite good actually. My McIntosh C42 was a bit better in terms of dynamics so I sold the Cary. I think what you are hearing are the slightly restrained dynamics of the Cary. The Lamm will surely change that. You might also want to look into VTL. They aren't sterile and have good bandwidth.
thanks for the responses. hovlands have a phono, which i dont need, and tend to run over 3K, which is actually OK, but if i dont need to spend the cash, would rather not. i think my finalists are:

lamm ll2
herron vtsp 1a/166