Funny,at HE-2001(or close to there)I was offered a Dartzeel(by the show demo person)for 7200 bucks.I am serious,yet now(and I do understand the dollar's low value)this amp pulls in 2.5 times that amount.PLEASE!!It sounded very nice to me,yet I doubt it would significantly outperform a domestic comparable unit,like the Hovland Radia(similar power rating).
As to the HP rave of another Euro potential "dump your stuff,and run out for this";how many times have we seen this one,before.Let's see,Forsell,Versa Dynamics,and a plethora of other worldbeaters,that after time had plenty of flaws,yet were a rave until the Auto Industry("change for the sake of change",and create some BUZZ)mentality began to wear out the welcome.
To me TAS,and HP are "strictly great entertainment".That is the only consistent and logical way to view them,for me!!Actually I have my own set of tastes,and like it that way.
The latest TAS,sort of reminds me of a Television network kicking off their new fall TV season.Best timing for the shrewd marketing of product.You have all seen it,and my pocketbook has been a victim on plenty of occassions.Liken the new "supposed great" shows to the cast of characters that the ever powerful,and probably bored stiff(I doubt if HP could change a cartridge anymore)HP gives valuable(a la publicity)exposure to.The seemingly usual suspects(an arguement can be made,here),that HP loves to mention,ad nauseum,like there aren't other worthy contenders.Lets see;VPI,Classic Records,NOLA(better mention them,alot,or say sayonara to your mega buck(and loud)speakers.Need I go on?Oh yes--Lets help Jadis get back into the U.S. market by seeming to be blown away by the 40,000 dollar Jadis CD player(now surpassing the cute little 4,000 dollar unit,which smoked the 60,000 dollar Burmester),which is almost as good as the VPI 5,000 dollar LP player(which HP seems to like,as of now).Can the Scoutmaster really be better than so many of the other designs,heard,or is the Scoutmaster's price so good,that VPI will make serious dough,for some nice constant exposure.I think the folks at SOTA(bargain stuff)are shaking their heads,but they are not too local,to Sea Cliff.What happened to the promised Kuzma Airline?Oh,sorry.Kuzma doesn't come from Long Island.VPI and NOLA do!!Anyone sort of get this?
I could go on,but this is really only OPINION,so please no poison!!