Lamm pre amp

Any pre amps that have remote control and use high quality attenuators that has same tonal richness as the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe?

I can come up with one like cj ET7se S2. Any other recommendations?
In my quest to buy my retirement preamp 4 years ago, settling on the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe, I went through about 7 preamps and the only one that in my mind that rivaled the Lamm was the First Sound Presence which I believe can be had with a remote. In my system both these preamps are the cream of the crop in that price range. Enjoy the music
Thanks tooblue! I am also looking at my end game preamp. I value tonal richness as most prepamps i have tried is not giving me the sound. I currently own cj ET3SE and getting that more than my previous LTA MZ2. I am thinking of either the Bottlehead 300b tube pre, K&K Mir Allnic L1500,  Prima Luna Evo 300 or the current Don Sachs 6SN7 preamp. You can tell i want to spend less to get great sound haha.  But if I have to pay 6 to 8k for the best sound might be able to do it.
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