Large Speakers Small Rooms

I've always thought about using large floorstanding speakers in a small room but never tried.How many of you have this combination and if so, how does it work out for you?
im running klipschorns & klipsch cornwalls & a passive klipsch sub in a room thats 18x20 with 300 watts to the cornwalls, 200 watts to the khorns,120 watts to the sub.

i love it,i cant imagine ever using anything other than large floor standers,getting ready to replace the cornwalls with a pair of mcintosh xrt22s i just bought.

imho you cant get the same sound from a pair of small speakers as you can with the big boys.

try it & you will love it.

Yes Bigjoe I agree about big sound coming from big speakers but if you have a small room like mine... Well it would just overload the room. I'm interested in members that have floorstanders in small rooms and how well they play in those small rooms. Thanks.
Big speakers in small roooms seems counter intuitive to me. You have to pull the speakers out into the room to avoid extra heavy bass and, with normal trianuglation for good imaging, you'd be sitting very close to the speakers. Generally speaking large speakers require more distance from the listener for the sound of the seperate speakers to intergrate properly. Small two way speakers and a sub would probably work much better.
be VERY careful with big speakers in a small room. I tried my big Coincident Total Victory's in a 10'x16' second bedroom- the bass overloaded the room with any decent volume level.
My main listening room is in the basement, 12'x17'x7.5'. I recently bought Vandersteen 3a signatures. Out of curiousity, after a few weeks I lugged them, my amp, pre, and source upstairs to my living room, which has a 25' foot cathedral ceiling and is around 20'x30', not counting the dining room which it opens onto. I tried to set them up the same distance from the back wall (41"), and kept the listening position the same distance from the speakers (about 10'). I couldn't duplicate the distance from the side walls, in effect in the larger room the closest one speaker was from a side wall was about 4'.

What I found was the larger room had the effect of expanding the soundstage significantly, both in width and height, which didn't surprise me. Bass response seemed to be better, but I couldn't be sure whether it was because I expected it to be better or it really was. What I did notice (which I didn't expect) was a "sharper" sound, as if "focus" or "definition" or whatever was better -- less sibilance on the cymbals, a bit more "cut" to vocals. My guess is that I was hearing fewer of the sidewall and ceiling reflections that I was used to in the basement room. I've gotta get treatments for that thing...

Hope this helps.