Here are some suggestions:
Rip all your music using EAC FLAC -> convert to WMA lossless -> Apple lossless. (Delete WMA lossless afterward)
This ensures perfect CD ripping and you can keep all the files in an open format and still use iPod. Need a lot of HD space though.
Get an iPod line out add-on. It's about $30. Basically hooks up to the bottom of the ipod connectors. Hook that up to a decent portable headphone. Then, pick up your favorite headphones. For example, Senn HD650 for quiet room and Eytmotic ER-4 for airplanes. Total price: $1500.
This headphone system should rival a regular audiophile stereo system under $10-20k easily.
Rip all your music using EAC FLAC -> convert to WMA lossless -> Apple lossless. (Delete WMA lossless afterward)
This ensures perfect CD ripping and you can keep all the files in an open format and still use iPod. Need a lot of HD space though.
Get an iPod line out add-on. It's about $30. Basically hooks up to the bottom of the ipod connectors. Hook that up to a decent portable headphone. Then, pick up your favorite headphones. For example, Senn HD650 for quiet room and Eytmotic ER-4 for airplanes. Total price: $1500.
This headphone system should rival a regular audiophile stereo system under $10-20k easily.