Lead shot VR4jr's

I finally bought some lead shot, 2 bags at 25 lbs(which seems like a small bag for such a big cabinet). I am going to attempt loading the speakers this week-end. Those of you that have already done this, is it a compartment that holds the shot, or does it fall to the top when you load it and then bounce around and hit everything when you flip them over? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I would appreciate it if you would share your experiences and what you would do differently, given the chance. Did you push a plastic bag inside to be a liner? Did you notice an immediate improvement? Was it worth the effort?
The old version of the spikes were thin hour and glass shaped while the new ones are tiangular shaped about 1 inch wide at the top. The old ones were black coated brass and I assumed that the new ones also were, I'll need to check. Also, 25 LB of lead per speaker is the minimum I'd use. I put about 40 in each of my speakers. One advantage of lead over miro bearings is because its denser, it takes less volumn for the same weight.
Better also wear a mask when handling the lead to prevent inhaling the lead dust.
Got the shot in and I am somewhat surprised at what a difference it made. Much tighter bass, I am very pleased with the improvement.
Thank you all very much for your advice.