Leak Stereo 130 vs Peachtree Audio Nova500

I have a Peachtree Audio Nova500 paired with Klipsch Forte IIIs. I recently purchased a Reisong A10 Tube amp and started using the Peachtree as a preamp and the A10 as the main amp. It sounds much better. Technically the A10 is an integrated amp but I heard you could actually use it as an amp and connect an existing pre-amp to it. And it worked beautifully, not noisy at all, just very nice and Tuby. I really have no need to keep the Peachtree as it has 500wpc worth of power just sitting unused. It is a great amp to me but I may move to to another room. I’ve read and seen some reviews of the Leak 130, which is a very nice looking unit, very retro vibe that I like a lot. The critiques I read seem to me solely based on the amplifier. I’m wondering if anyone has any thoughts on using it purely as a preamp/DAC, using the preamp output to drive the A10. As long as it sounds in the ballpark of the Peachtree used in that capacity I think I’d like to give it a try.
Just got a Peachtree Nova 150
i just love it post two weeks it opened up
great low end
superb sound stage
not hot
Love the class D not my first class D but my best
zero fatigue
you may? Miss the the power of the nova
headroom pays off