Leben Owners: which speakers do you use?

I was talking to a fellow Audiogoner about our Leben CS300XS; he made the very good point that the model is in an unusual area: "it's not low powered set, not mid-powered like a lot of el84, el34, and kt88 push-pull tube amps." So maybe you have to take care speaker matching?

He's using Audio Note AN/Ks and liking them. I have Devore Nines and like them a lot (though for various reasons I am moving the Nines somewhere else and I'll be on the hunt for new speakers... hence the thread). I know Devore is a natural for these, maybe partly due to In Living Stereo/Tone Imports (that's where I heard the combo and fell for it).

Anyone else? What have you found? Especially the smaller Leben, but 600s too.
Dynaudios also need more power than Leben can provide. I did hear the Devore Super 8s with Leben separates plus an Opus 21 cd player, and really enjoyed this combination.
I have to add that I am really liking the Quad 22L2's with the Leben. I had originally heard them with a Synthesis el84 amp and thought the sound was worth exploring. The Quads are a great match and super affordable for what they do.

I am the aforementioned Audio Note AN/K owner. While I love their musicality, I think that you really need to get a bigger AN speaker to get more low end extension (of course).

I have also run the Zu Soul Superfly's with mine. They are a great match as well. Tons of life, very very fun speakers.
I'm using Harbeth SHL5s with my CS600 and it is wonderful. I have tried Living Voice IBX RWs as well, and whilst they were very nice, they were a bit too polite for my tastes,
Edoit, I think you might struggle to get the SFs going with the 300 though the 600 might work. I ran a 300x with Grand Piano's for a short time and it really wasn't happening. Pleasant but lacking dynamics. A friend runs a 600 with Elector Amators and that does work and the Cr Auditor M is often dem'd with 30w valves over here.

I heard a 300xs driving the mid / treble of Avantguard Nanos recently and though they weren't set up properly it sounded a very promising combo.
I'm using the 300 with my Tannoy Kensington SE the synergy is outstanding. I'm selling my other amps and keeping the Leben.