Led Zeppelin IV vinyl

I just listened to my new copy of Led Zeppelin IV (vinyl) and wanted to see what anyone else has to say about the sound quality. It sounded pretty good but since I don't own the CD nor an older album to compare it to, I can't tell if it's lacking in any way.
I have own both and the vinyl makes the cd sound like an mp3.

Now I don't think it's the best produced Zepplin album. Jimmy Page spent way too much time in the studio trying to perfect the album and honestly I think he screwed up the mix. In my opinion Zeppelin II sounds the best.
Houses of the Holy is the best sounding of the original pressings.

Can't speak to any of the reissues.
I agree that the CD versions sound absolutely horrible. I own the 200 gram Classic Records reissues of II, IV, and Physical Graffiti. They all sound phenomenal, but I'd have to say that Physical Graffiti sounds the best. But I've heard some of the original pressings, and they alone blow the CDs out of the water.
Original Physical Graffiti sounds excellent, as does II, the classic reissue III also sounds very good, HOH is OK but the original IV does not sound good....it's rough.....but ya gotta have it!
By the way don't be surprised to see Pagey remater and re-issue all of the old Zep albums.

Mothership should give all of us Zep fans an idea of how they will sound.

P.S. Kmulkey get all of the Classic Records re-issues while you can. Page has stopped them from producing any more copies. Which is why I think he is going to re-issue his own versions.