
Discussions jwglista has started

Speakers with warm treble and good bass2516459
Pass INT-30A with Acoustic Zen Adagio550421
TAD KT88STR vs Gold Lion KT8894550
VPI Classic 1 and Dyna 20X220640
Dynavector P75 Mk ii80124
VPI Classic 1 Cueing Problem916110
Upgrade: Turntable or Cartridge?890119
Grado Sonata1 Ref Vs. Audio Technica AT33EV576618
Grado Sonata1 Ref Vs. Audio Technica AT33EV22520
Totem Sttaf1251118
Raking Angle350615
PrimaLuna ProLogue Two - mixing tubes?1183911
PS Audio Trio C-100 integrated. Opinions??51733
Monitors for a small room - please help2028031
LSA 1 Monitors in a small room??1138316