Left channel of Pass X250.5 runs warmer than right

I’ve noticed over the years that the left channel of my Pass X250.5 runs warmer than the right channel. Both channels warm up at the same time but the left channel gets warmer than the right. I’ve noticed this with almost every amp I’ve ever owned in that one channel gets warmer than the other. I was once told that it was because amps are biased in order to have the least amount of distortion in both channels. Does this indicate mismatched capacitors per channel sides or is the fact that one channel runs warmer a natural state of stereo amps. I’ve noticed this discrepancy in channel heat in every amp I’ve ever owned so I assume it’s just the nature of the beast. Both channels warm up at the same time except the left channel will run a noticeable amount warmer. It’s probably perfectly normal but I thought I would ask.
I should mention that it’s not a night and day difference. The left channel is just warmer enough that it is noticeable. Both sides run warm pretty close.
Caps probably have little to do with it, but I encourage you to get a temp sensor to validate your observations.

Bias is set generally to get the best balance of low idle power and lowest distortion. Class A is, as I recall, the opposite, and attempts to maintain high idle power. The differences you are feeling, if real, are due to the transistors, not caps. 



The left side is a few degrees warmer. How many exactly I don’t know but it’s noticeable if I hold onto the heat sinks for a minute. Every amp I’ve ever owned had this type of difference in heat per left and right sides.