The Legacy black pearl finish is of extremly high quality- I know when I was looking at Focus SE, I noticed that the finish is incredibly smooth, and also has a lot of detail and depth to it, when you look at it under close light.
(Allow me to geek out about their finishes, for a moment!)
The black pearl finish is done in large batches by ILVA in Italy. The finish was bowling pin tough, but it is best applied in warmer weather when sprayed on larger surfaces. There are 7 application steps and several polishing stages-it is very expensive to import. The last stage takes a half an hour for every square foot, with a Mazerna polishing rouge from Germany!
My colleague was one of the few who got Whisper in black pearl (I believe there were only two sets ever built). He had to wait months for it in black pearl, since they are not one piece units, and are more complex to finish.
Aeris in black pearl is the same way, it doesn't appear to be a monolithic unit. The BP finish on it should be impressive- I loved the finish at CES, but didn't get a chance to hear them there.
Their manufacturing facilities are open for viewing- their craftsmen do an incredible job- I recommend visiting.