Legacy focus 20 20 speakers

I am thinking of buying a pair of the Legacy focus 20 20 speakers. I have heard many great reviews of them but also some that are so bad its given me pause to go ahead with the purchase. Some have critisized them as having poor build quality, (internaly) unmatched drivers, and muddy boomy bass. Has anyone had any experiance with these speakers that may help with my decision. Are the newer models the same as the older ones, or have they been changed in some way. thanks
RE: room treatment - I had very good luck with the folks at Echo Busters about 5 years ago calling their 800#. At the time they also offered a money-back guarantee if not satisfied - don't know if they still do that. Good Luck.
I have been biting my tongue on this thread since it started. I am pleased to announce that the first half of my review of the Legacy Focus HD is now on Dagogo.com - the second half will be posted on Feb. 15th.
Thanks for the Echo Buster info, will check them out. Anxious to check your review Douglas
Douglas, I have just read your first review of the lagacy focous hd speakers. I sense that comparing these to the legacy 20 20 focus is like camparing apples and oranges. Is there that much of an improvment between the two? Have you ever auditioned the 20 20's I'm looking forward to the second part of your review. The first part seemed to address the build quality and design aspects. I assume the second part will let us know what your ears have to say about them. I hope my system is, for the most part, able to bring out the best in these speakers if I get them. It is quite modest. I'm using a Hafler 9300 trans nova power amp, adcom gcd 700 c-d player, strightwire laser 8 speaker wire, and a yamaha cx-630 preamp.( I have an Aragon 18k pre-amp with seperate power suppy and the penny and giles volume control upgrade) Are you familiar with any of this stuff? will they so these speakers any justice?
Hey Doug,

If you have the speaker there open it up, maybe they have changed since I worked there 7 years ago..