Legacy focus 20 20 speakers

I am thinking of buying a pair of the Legacy focus 20 20 speakers. I have heard many great reviews of them but also some that are so bad its given me pause to go ahead with the purchase. Some have critisized them as having poor build quality, (internaly) unmatched drivers, and muddy boomy bass. Has anyone had any experiance with these speakers that may help with my decision. Are the newer models the same as the older ones, or have they been changed in some way. thanks
You are going to hear stories on both sides of this issue, which is to be expected on an open forum like this. Beware of people with their own agenda that might not be as objective as what you are looking for. The smartest thing you can do is to find a pair used, try them in your room and see how you like them. It would also not be a bad idea to try to talk to Duddleston - it can be done - and ask him your questions.

I have had a pair of 20/20s over 5 years now and a pair of Whispers for three and have had no speaker problems whatsoever.

You are also correct, the room treatment is very important and should absolutely be addressed as early on as possible. My room definitely changed with treatments, for the much better. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the additional input everyone. A good point about people may having an agenda Fplanner2000. When theirs more emotion that usful information in their comments, it may be an indication of some kind of an agenda, either for or against the product. I guess my next step is to audition a pair. Whatever speaker I wind up getting, one thing is certain. I do need some serious room treatment. Any help in that area would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps some literature that could quide me. I know some of this stuff is quite expensive. Whether its warrented or not I have know idea giving my limited knowledge of all of this. Unfortunatly my desire for good sound doesn't see eye to eye with my wallet. If theirs any snake oil out there, I cant afford to find out about it the hard way.
RE: room treatment - I had very good luck with the folks at Echo Busters about 5 years ago calling their 800#. At the time they also offered a money-back guarantee if not satisfied - don't know if they still do that. Good Luck.
I have been biting my tongue on this thread since it started. I am pleased to announce that the first half of my review of the Legacy Focus HD is now on Dagogo.com - the second half will be posted on Feb. 15th.
Thanks for the Echo Buster info, will check them out. Anxious to check your review Douglas