Legacy Focus HDs

Lust received and hooked up my Focus HDs. Upgraded from the 2020s. Wow! I was worried because I loved the 2020s but yes these sound better. Any harshness in the highs are gone. The mid drivers are excellent and brought the mids to more accurate. The bottom end is still there but more accurate and well defined. No more bass issues. Very pleasing to listen to. If anyone has been scared to make the move to the HDs-Dont be. If you like the 2020s you will love the new HDs. Email any questions and I will be glad to try to answer them. Oh-The fit and finish is also better and the hardware such as binding post are a big upgrade as well. Good job Lagacy.
Tried to edit but could not. Wish my eyes were as good as my ears.
I meant Good Job LEGACY.
Sorry for the mistake in spelling.
I hope they are worlds better in bass, my dad had the 20/20 and did enjoy them for a few years but the Vandy Quatro left them aadly in the dust... in all areas by a huge margin.
If they are as good as new owners say thats great, but they had a long way to go.
I think the 2020s are great but these HDs are just greater.
Ears of the beholder. I doubt we all hear the same or like the same things we hear. Or we would all want the same speaker. Speakers are very subjective. Take this from someone who sells them for a living.
I am interested in the HD's myself, I wish I could listen to them. Funny I read Chadnliz comment on the Quatro. I have Vandy 3 sig's now and I really like them but I want something I can crank up the volume without fear of harming the speaker. I just listened to the Quatro yesterday and I must say I wasn't real overly impressed by them. I fealt they had no bass. They imaged nice and they were nice sounding speakers, but my 3 sig's and old school Velodyne ULD II Sub seem to have better bass authority. Could be the system I was listening to (VTL Preamp and Ayre 300W mono blocks with alpha-core cable). I listen mostly to rock, and I find if I crank up a pinkfloyd concert DVD (for ex) I bottom out the midbass drivers when I turn up the volume. So I would like to haer the Focus HD.
I dont know if you heard a properly set-up Quatro but when my dad swapped out the Legacy for the Vandy it was like he had real bass for the first time, he can listen much louder as the Vandy doesnt shout at you and the bass is tight. My dad really liked the Legacy, but found it hard to come to terms of how bad they were compared to the Vandy.
You would think the Legacy bass would dance circles around the Vandersteen with its larger drivers but we both always felt the Legacy started sounding stressed at higher volumes, the bass just got sloppy and the mids and tweeters were very aggresive, they were fed with 300w Classe mono amps so non arguement about quality power.
I would like to see you hear another pair of Quatro only to confirm you must not have heard a well setup pair, with the bass tuning I find it hard to believe you thought they didnt sound good but this hobby is very subjective.
Maybe the new HD trounces the old Focus but I doubt it is a super huge step up, my dad thought he was serveed well by the Legacy and still does.....but the Vandy was just better... also better then Wilson Sophia wich he thought about buying.