Legacy SE versus Vandersteen Quatros

Looking for input regarding the above---seeking advice based upon first hand knowledge of the pros or cons of the two speakers above mentioned----thanks for your time---

{{{The Quatro is side-firing and would make a mess of the low end if it were not tuned. I'm not particularly impressed with the bass of speakers which side-fire their low end drivers}}}

Hey Douglas- Schroder
You got it wrong with the Vandersteen Quatros
None of them are side firing although you said (would}
Its a sealed Downward firing Slot loaded system.
placed close to the floor so not to compete with ones attension for the the quality mids Imaging Etc
I have installed hundreds of these types in many different rooms and some rooms need very little tuning.

There was a question raised about Downward firing woofers a few weeks ago hear it is for you.
Best Johnnyr

What is the purpose of a down-firing woofer??
All of the woofers and subwoofers that I've ever own were front-firing. What is the reason for having the woofer firing downward rather than forward?

The new $40k Zu Dominance speakers contain a 15 inch woofer/subwoofer in each cabinet that is down-firing. Why down-firing instead of forward-firing?
Mitch4t (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)



02-08-11: Audioconnection
All woofers have spurious energy (Breakup modes)
above the X-over Frequency especially Sub Woofers doing a lot of heavy lifting. This is the reason they have a bad reputation in High End because they negitively affect imaging. Down firing woofers keep this mess from affecting the sound in the mids and are not affected at all in the bass frequincies. Check out the market and see for yourself how most subs for music that blend well with High performance main speakers are downward firing.
Some say front firing woofers have greater impact.
This is evidence that the woofers are radiating spurious energies because impact from a woofer is normally in the mid-range.
Cheers Johnnyr
Audioconnection (Answers | This Thread)


your ears sure seam to agree with mine. What you say is exactly what I found myself.

The poor Legacys just dont get the respect they deserve IMO. I will buy another pair of Focus one day. They are the best Ive heard.

Everyones different. All speakers sound different to different people. To me, the Focus just make fantastic music. Thats what its all about to me. I love music, not the hobby.
Johnny, thank you for the correction, and shows why one can't trust memory 100%! The Quatro would operate in terms of the bass similar to the Vandersteen subs, then, correct? The phrase, "downward firing slot loaded system," sounds familiar. So, it has sealed top, slotted sub.

Could you clarify your comment in the above conversation with Mitch4t, where you said, "Some say front firing woofers have greater impact.
This is evidence that the woofers are radiating spurious energies because impact from a woofer is normally in the mid-range."


I have never heard the Quattro but I've heard other Vandersteen speakers in the past and have much respect for the designer and sound of his speakers.

But, I choose to own Legacy speakers because while one does have to give them the juice to get going, Legacy's approach to sound comes closer to the sound I've heard from live music than any other speaker I've lived with or auditioned.

If you can, take a trip to Springfield, IL and check them out yourselves. You'll be amazed at the knowledge Bill Duddleston has amassed over the years. Bill Duddleston, VP Doug Brown and company just make it so easy to become part of the Legacy family. They are ready to help build your system and answer questions whenever you give them a call.
(((Could you clarify your comment in the above conversation with Mitch4t, where you said, "Some say front firing woofers have greater impact.))
Ok try this
Go to the wall mart nearest your home that has a Car stereo display..
Listen to the pair of 6x9 pioneer speakers and adjust to a nice volume and music you like.
Next you have a choice to push the red button add the Upper positioned Add on woofer or the Lower positioned woofer.
switch between them both
now choose the one that blends together better.
my money if you can hear goes on the one closer to the floor.
Cheers Johnnyr