Legacy XD series for tube amplifier thoughts

When I look at the landscape of full-range speakers, there are many options of course, especially in the $10K to $15K range. But the vast majority of those speakers demand SS amplification, mainly due to the idea of driving woofers efficiently. Yes, there are speakers that are efficient and can be driven full range with tube gear but it often seems a compromise, especially when it comes to room size and the ability to tune a room for best bass response. Then it seems it becomes a bit of a crap shoot finding a speaker that is dynamic, resolving, bass that is not shy about reaching depths that much of our music explores and doesn't cost north of $25K. Oh, and is tube friendly. 

I do have a thread opened on Harbeth 40.3 speaker but ultimately felt it was not a match for our room and some of our music. We want to play it all.

Which leads me to the Legacy XD line. Highly efficient it seems. Built-in woofers that go really low cleanly and have SOTA flexibility for in-room response. What's wrong with these speakers?


I have. Seem like very nice speakers. Terry London of Stereo times bought a pair FWIW.

@desalvo55 Legacy makes some of the best speakers considering performance to the dollar. The XD offerings are a great way of enabling the speakers to work well with tube amplification. I am now an official installer/reseller of Legacy products, but prior to that I owned both the Focus SE and Aeris. I moved onto the Aeris to take advantage of the powered bass section and used Cary 805 Anniversary Edition mono blocks for the mids and highs. The performance was excellent. 

One thing I’ve found, and this is personal preference, is that I’d rather land on a slightly smaller Legacy AND integrate a pair of subs vs try to get a much bigger speaker in their lineup unless the room really calls for it. Even with the Aeris, which goes down to 18Hz at -2dB, was placed many feet from the front wall and as a result did not charge the room in the same way that later on a pair of Signature SE did with a pair of SVS SB4000 did. I now have a custom pair of the Signature SE coming for my floor as, paired with the subs, it is more than enough to fill my medium/large room. 

The XD would still be beneficial for any system that uses tube-driven amplification as it will provide more grip, speed and control in the audible bass and will result in a cleaner image throughout the frequency spectrum. But keep in mind it may not negate the value subs can play in the room with regards to sub-bass frequencies, cleaning up room modes, and widening/deepening the soundstage as a result. 

Feel free to PM me to chat, or happy to keep it on this thread. 

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