Levinson 352H, or Bryston 4BSST, or...
I know this type of question comes up often, but I could use some insight for future upgrades.
I'm thinking about a new amp. I'm currently on a Spectron Musician III Mk2 with all the upgrades; it's a Class D switching amp. Very tight, very fast, very powerful. However, with the Magnepan 3.7s and my lousy room, it can come across a bit brash at times. Other times... perfect, with a fantastic soundstage and response.
(Also: Magnepan MG 3.7 speakers, Mac Mini, PS Audio PerfectWave DAC II, Emperical Audio Off Ramp, 2 Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers, all fed by a Shunyata Triton, Anacondas all around for power, SilNote speaker cables.)
My local dealer is absolutely no fan of Class D amps, and has recommended a Mark Levinson 352H as a replacement. (Haven't heard it.) But first, he's having me demo an Audio Research Reference 5se tube preamp. It's in the rack now.
So far in my limited listening, it's not shaping up to be the sound I'm looking for, although it is quite good. It's almost as though it has taken away some of the clarity and detail that I'm accustomed to. And for $13K without ICs and power cords, I'm so far finding it hard to justify.
I'm now wondering if perhaps changing the amp would be worth a try... get off the Class D.
If so, would I be better looking at the Levinson, or go towards a Bryston, which I've always heard pair very well with Maggies.
I'm looking years off into the future, when we may upgrade speakers, so "future-proofing" or buying up is not out of the question. I'm just looking for the right piece to smooth out the sound without throwing a blanket over everything.