Lexicon DC-1 or Theta Casa Nova

I am currently using a Lexicon DC-1 with 24 BIT DACs in my system and for HT this is excellent, my problem is in the 2 channel audio mode. I do not feel like the Lexicon does a very good job in this area. I am considering the Theta Casa Nova to replace the Lexicon, possibly the Casablanca if I can find used/reasonable$. Has anyone A/B'd these 2, Lexicon/Theta, I am trying to figure out if going to Theta will improve my 2 channel listening. Thanks in advance.

Showing 4 responses by alfonso

i am sorry that in the first response i posted that the lexicon was the mc when it is the dc,i always confuse them the dc -1 has 20bit dacs and the mc-i has 24 bits
i'am a bit late but i just fixed the problem if your still out there here it goes.i connected the main outputs of the lexicon to the aux inputs of a sonic frontiers line 1 preamp i just got .for stereo the units go to the sf and for ht they go to the lex when in stereo everything goes like a regular stereo rig when for ht the sf is tuned to the aux input and the volume to 12 o'clock then the lex drives the main volume control.best of both worlds.now only money is at issue in regards to upgrades.good luck
iam in the same place as you.i wish for a better stereo .i have the mc-1 with aragon amps to hales revelation speakers.i have arrived to the conclusion that separate sistems will give me the best.so i have decided to get a stereo pre-amp(i am between a used mark levinson or a sonic frontiers.)i would leave the dvd to the lexicon and the cd player to the pre-amp.then only change the interconects depending on what is to be used.for the future if the aragon is to be upgraded it can be left in the ht rig and then change the speaker cables.it is a pain but if you want the best.does anybody have a better solution.please let me know
i have the 8008bb.plus i use a sft1 for digital.i am looking down the road when the source formats become stable.iuse a dc-1 but no matter what you use your going to be passed by the d/a in the pre.true audiophiles will say that a stereo pre is better than any procesor in the market.when you read about the power suplies etc.you can not deny the fact that this is like a reciver versus separates.for me the dc-1 is more than enough for ht the hales combo with a velodyne 15 subwoofer is great.the fact of running 2 sets of interconects is what i had in mind.i think that after i buy the pre (mark levinson or sonic frontiers)i will hook up a adcom changer i have from before the upgrade to the transport.then get a good cd (many here like the resolution cd 50.my choice becouse i have listened to them would be a wadia 860 or a mark levinson 39)after that the options are open to conect whatever comes out to the pre(sacd -dad ect).