Has anyone owned both units or spent time with them to be able to tell the difference.
My LFD IV is nearly two days from its arrival to my home. Cannot wait to listen with an open mind and hope it's everything everyone has made it to be. This hobby can be quite demanding and I hope this piece takes me off the merry go round for awhile. Thoughts forthcoming.
I've compared the LE3 to the NCSE and personally I prefer the LE3 for its musicality and illuminated sound. The NCSE sounds more Hifi-ish to my ears and fails to connect me emotionally to the music in the way the LE3 does. Of course this is my ears and my opinion. Others might hear differently.
I've owned some "big name gear with big VU's" that didn't give me the thrill of the LFD Mk.III sound. Trust your ears not the dealers ears, and if you buy with your eyes over your ears you are doing yourself a disservice. There are a bounty of integrated amplifiers $5K and under with way more visual pizazz that don't sound as good as the LFD Mk.III. Having owned LFD integrated amplifiers (Mistral, III and NCSE) - I vote LFD's Mk.III as best in sound and value. Always keep in back of your mind that sellers like to sell, distributors value their sellers who sell more the most. I could kick myself for missing buy of recent Mk.III with toggle power switch (original power switch was one functional weakness of Mk.III, functional because I consider a remote controlled integrated as useful but not essential, particularity when some of these "extras" may have detrimental effects upon quality of sound.