Try to bear with me here and let it sink in.
You see this impedance matching goes right through the whole system between components. EG: source to preamp, preamp to poweramp, and poweramp to speakers.
Even the internal stages of the individual components should be impedance matched if the designer is worth his salt.
eg: of a poweramp it's: input stage to voltage stage, voltage stage to driver stage, driver stage to output stage. Same for goes the pre and source.
Hopefully they are done/designed right as the end user cannot do anything about these stages inside the individual components or check them. But at least the end user can make sure the components are themselves matched from each other.
I specify with the Lightspeed Attenuator that it needs to see a poweramp with 47k or higher input impedance, I believe that tube preamp and tube dac/cdp manufacturers should be saying the same, this is why so many high output impedance tube pre's sound bad when they are mated to low impedance poweramps.
Cheers George
You see this impedance matching goes right through the whole system between components. EG: source to preamp, preamp to poweramp, and poweramp to speakers.
Even the internal stages of the individual components should be impedance matched if the designer is worth his salt.
eg: of a poweramp it's: input stage to voltage stage, voltage stage to driver stage, driver stage to output stage. Same for goes the pre and source.
Hopefully they are done/designed right as the end user cannot do anything about these stages inside the individual components or check them. But at least the end user can make sure the components are themselves matched from each other.
I specify with the Lightspeed Attenuator that it needs to see a poweramp with 47k or higher input impedance, I believe that tube preamp and tube dac/cdp manufacturers should be saying the same, this is why so many high output impedance tube pre's sound bad when they are mated to low impedance poweramps.
Cheers George