Lindemann D680, how does it sound?

I'm thinking about buying one, and I'd like to hear from those of you who have heard the player. What did you think, and to what did (or would) you compare it? How does it compare to other players such as a modded or unmodded SCD-1/XA-777ES or other high end CD only players such as the CD12? In terms of digital, I listen to about 80% redbook and 20% SACD. I've been very interested in the Linn Unidisk, but now the price has risen from around $4000 to $8000-9000. It probably also won't be out until late second quarter 2003, and I couldn't care less about surround sound/video capabilities. Thanks for your input!
I have now had my Lindemann for four months. On sacd it is far superior to my Marantz SA-1 which in turn was superior to the Sony SCD-1. I do not mean by any slight margin either. The cd performance compares with the best dacs I have, such as the Zanden and Audio Note DAC4.1x Signature. This unit requires isolation of the ps for analog and exception pc, such as the Omega Mikros. It does not like either Aurios or Rollerblocks. The Vacuum Reference ic is better than the Siltechs on it.
I've had the Lindemann for about 4 weeks now, and am only starting to get an appreciation for what it can do. REgrettably, I have never heard the Zanden, DCS or any of the other current "champs" of digital reproduction. The Lindemann follows in my system an Accuphase DP90 transport / Chord DAC64 combination -- not state of the art, but I'd say high middle grade digital.

In a nutshell, the Lindemann is breathtaking, far superior to the Accuphase / Chord combo. The presentation is expansive, with incredible detail that you will have a hard time believing is Red Book standard. There is a presence to low-level detail that reminds me of the concert hall. Again, I thought this was impossible for CDs. Bass reproduction is awesome -- nuanced, varied and wholly appropriate to the recording.

SACD and HDCD are equally impressive, but I bought it for the CD reproduction, and I really don't have enough recordings to justify a fair critique. But friends of mine who own the LIndemann and many SACDs say it is without peer in that category.

One caution: take Christian up on his 30-day trial only if you are prepared to buy it. You'll have a tough time letting it go. -- David
friend of mine who has goldmund system,he tried lindemann againts musical fidelity tri-vista and prefered tri-vista.
Tri vista beats Lidemann?
Lindemann is very sensitive to vibration.
Take care of vibration, you will find the Lindemann is unbeatable.