Linear tracking tonearms.....

I have been using Clearaudio TT2 linear tracking tonearm couple of months(on a clearaudio tt). I may clearly say that, it is better in every way then Kuzma 4point. I am aware that tt2 is 10k, 4point 6-7k, also it is possible to mention both clearaudio synergy, but outcome is same linear tracking tonearm is better, at least in my situation. Maybe it differs in others systems.

Now i have a empty armboard waiting on my turntable. I am toying with the idea a to buy a tonearm, and i am thinking to buy a linear tracking one but i had no experience with another. Which linear tracking tonearms worth to consider ? I really like to share your opinions.

Showing 4 responses by spiritofmusic

I only live 70 miles from Vic, so I'll get the upgrade done at his place. Good to hear it's initially positive.
Amazing, Salvation tt/Terminator are the greatest bang for buck in analog/audio. And now, even more so.
Let me second Lewm re the Trans Fi Audio Terminator T3Pro. I've been running it for over a year now, and compared to my previous SME V, it's better in EVERY respect, esp. lack of tracking artifacts, speed and transparency. Would NEVER go back to standard pivoted.
No experience of other LTs.
Tms, I'm about to go for the Salvation magnetic bearing upgrade. What'r you're impressions?
Tms, I know you're busy with your move, but when things settle down, can you please post your thoughts on the magnetic bearing for the Salvation on my dedicated thread "Trans Fi Audio Salvation Direct Rim Drive Turntable". The thread has gone quiet of late, and I can't be seen to be the only one contributing to it, LOL!
Btw, I believe there is a brand new platter for the Salvation (check out the "Art Of Sound" forum, "Analogue Art" board, "Salvation Upgrades").