Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
@dgarretson is so humble, it cracks me up. You da best, Dave. Cheers,
I've seen photos of Dave's work on the Trans-fi.  I was very impressed.
Dave made a base for my Terminator when I had it I since have moved on. Thanks again Dave
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My overall experience is that Trans-Fi is at the intersection of commercial and DIY

very interesting comment DG.

For someone that is considering this tonearm, can you describe what you mean by DIY ?

I mean,  assuming it arrives in the mail, what DIY is required to get it up and running, aside from mounting it on the table ? thanks

It is my understanding that everything remains fixed over the platter (does not pivot out of the way like the

Clearaudio Linear tracker tonearm).
Record Changes are done on the Terminator by "sliding" the LP's under the Cartridge/Stylus ?