Linn back in vinyl big time with the LP12 Majik

How does everyone feel about Linn being back into vinyl with the LP12 Majik. You get a brand new (cirkus'ed) table with a Linn Majik power supply and Project 9cc arm and Linn Adikt cartridge. All this for a little more than 3k! This is new for Linn in a long time they have not done an affordable LP12 package. This going to send used prices down but very interesting for someone who does not own a Cirkus'ed table
The LP12 might be the only thing they ever made that I think sounds good. They have made so much market filling mid-fi junk, but the LP12 is stellar (I have owned one for 10 years).
Sounds like Linn is trying to be more competitive, lots of tables in that range. Interesting as there are as many people who do not like Linn tables as who do. I wonder how many they will sell ?