@newton_john Your assumption about the Linn training was my assumption too. That was drastically altered once i heard what the new ’fettler’ was able to accomplish with my table. Not that the old tech was bad, just that there were a few things that he obviously did that weren’t 100% correct. Minor detail things that clearly the new ’fettler’ got 100% correct. ( I can’t explain exactly what these were, but the results speak for themselves). Probably this is why folk in the UK seek out the likes of Peter Swain and others of his experience level.
Here in the US, as I alluded to before, these ’fettlers’ are unfortunately a dying breed. Not sure if they are being replaced, but it does not seem so. That is one of the biggest aspects that concerns me going forward with the table, to be very honest.
You question why the table takes a few more sides to come into tune...that is a great question! Maybe it is something like this:
My new ’fettler’ showed me that the oil level in my Karousel bearing was not quite correct, it had oil in it, but not quite enough. So, IOW ( in other words) my old ’fettler’ put in the oil, but didn’t have enough experience to know exactly how much was required. He put enough in to not do damage, but that was not quite correct. Perhaps something like this is occurring with your table?