

Responses from newton_john

Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@olskool I am pleased to hear the BooPlinth was a success for you. I did see one at an audio show. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in use at the time so I can’t comment on its sound. My turntable is now back in action after a few weeks with a fault. ... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@daveyf As I said, it’s only one guy’s opinion. Linn do have a very clear idea of what better means. However, I’m a little surprised that one or two people appear to be spending £8,750, without first listening. I guess they just have to have t... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@olskool I saw some comments by a guy who had heard a direct comparison between the BooPlinth and Bedrok. I think it was in one of the Linn Facebook groups. He said that he preferred the BooPlitnth. Ok, it’s only one person’s opinion, but at le... 
Linn LP12 turntable
@daveyf Sorry, I don’t know enough about other high end turntables to comment on the Bedrok LP12’s ability to compete with them. The one thing I would say is Linn  managed to sell a couple of hundred LP12-50s. That must amount to a few million ... 
Linn LP12 turntable
@daveyf ​​​​​​In essence, all you’re saying is that it’s complicated. There’s a whole range of LP12s that can be compared with lots of other turntables. Is the LP12 going to win out in every case? Of course, it can’t. It all depends on what t... 
Linn LP12 turntable
@lewm It’s a case for the LP12 Radikal power supply that has been machined out of a solid block of aluminium. It matches other Klimax components in style. However, the considerably cheaper Standard or Akurate Radikal does exactly the same job. L... 
Linn LP12 turntable
@daveyf Has the price of the LP12 really increased that much? Yes, there have been upgrades that have added to the price, if buy them. You don’t need to though. There’s lot of talk about it being expensive. But very little in the way of price c... 
Linn LP12 turntable
I’ll try to get back on track with a summary of my thoughts on the turntable. It is perfectly valid to suggest the LP12 might not be the best turntable option for everyone. For example, my grown up children all have ProJects because the LP12 was ... 
Power supply for ethernet switch?
I found that an Sbooster BOTW 12V power supply gave me a nice improvement with my Melco S100 switch.  
Linn LP12 turntable
@signaforce It’s a shame that you feel like that after people have genuinely tried to answer your original post. This isn't directly related to what's currently going on in the US.  
Linn LP12 turntable
@daveyf I am glad to hear that someone shares my suspicion that there may be at least a small element of anti-Semitism behind the anti Linn sentiment that abounds online, particularly in the criticism of its founder’s activities decades ago. Peo... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@elliottbnewcombjr  Congratulations. That’s the weirdest post I’ve ever seen.  
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@elliottbnewcombjr  It’s nonsense to say that Bedrok is insulting to anyone, least of all everyone alive and not yet born. Anybody who doesn’t want it can ignore it.  In our free enterprise system, it’s open to anyone to market a similar produc... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@elliottbnewcombjr Prices can’t be insulting. Only people can do that. Manufacturers are entitled to set their prices as they see fit. If you consider a price too high, the remedy is in your own hands. Don’t buy the product. If sufficient peopl... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
@lewm I am sorry about spelling your name wrong. Does that mean you don’t love me any more? My original point was that the SL-1000R and Klimax LP12 are in the same ball park price wise. You aggressively contradicted me by saying the Klimax is ...